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Shipping a Dog: Everything You Need to Know

Shipping a Dog: Everything You Need to Know

Shipping a Dog - For pet owners who are moving or relocating, shipping their beloved dog can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider, from regulations and costs to transportation and preparation. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about shipping a dog, so you can ensure a safe and stress-free journey for your furry friend.

Regulations and Requirements

Shipping a dog can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the regulations and requirements that come with it. There are many factors to consider, such as the dog's health, safety, and comfort during transport, as well as the legal requirements that vary depending on the destination and the mode of transport.

In this section, we'll discuss the regulations and requirements related to shipping a dog, and provide you with some tips on how to ensure a smooth and stress-free transport for your furry friend.

1. Legal Requirements for Shipping a Dog

The legal requirements for shipping a dog vary depending on the destination and the mode of transport. In general, however, there are some basic requirements that you should be aware of.

First, you'll need to make sure that your dog has all the necessary vaccinations and health certificates required by the destination country or state. This will typically include a rabies vaccination certificate, as well as a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian.

It's also important to check whether there are any breed-specific regulations or restrictions in the destination country or state. Some countries, for example, have strict regulations on certain breeds of dogs, such as pit bulls or rottweilers.

When shipping a dog by air, you'll need to comply with the regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The IATA has specific guidelines for the transport of live animals, including dogs, which are designed to ensure their safety and comfort during transport.

These guidelines include requirements for the size and type of crate used for transport, as well as the provision of food, water, and ventilation during the journey. You'll also need to ensure that your dog is properly identified with a collar and identification tags, and that you provide the airline with all the necessary documentation and information.

2. Preparing your Dog for Transport

Preparing your dog for transport is an important part of ensuring a safe and stress-free journey. This includes both physical and mental preparation.

Physically, you'll need to make sure that your dog is in good health and has no underlying medical conditions that could be exacerbated by the stress of travel. You should also ensure that your dog is up-to-date on all vaccinations and has been treated for any parasites or other health issues.

Mentally, you'll want to help your dog become accustomed to the crate or carrier that they'll be traveling in. This can be done by gradually introducing the crate to your dog, and by providing them with plenty of positive reinforcement and treats while they're inside.

It's also important to help your dog become comfortable with being separated from you. This can be done by gradually increasing the amount of time that your dog spends in the crate or carrier, and by providing them with plenty of toys, blankets, and other familiar items to help them feel secure.

3. Choosing a Reputable Dog Shipping Company

Choosing a reputable dog shipping company is essential for ensuring a safe and stress-free transport for your furry friend. There are many companies out there that offer dog shipping services, but not all of them are created equal.

When choosing a dog shipping company, you'll want to look for one that has experience and expertise in shipping dogs, as well as a proven track record of safety and reliability. You should also look for a company that is licensed and insured, and that has a good reputation among pet owners and veterinarians.

It's also a good idea to ask for references and to read reviews from other pet owners who have used the company's services in the past. This can give you a better idea of what to expect and can help you make an informed decision.

Shipping a dog can be a complex and stressful process, but with the right preparation and guidance, it can also be a safe and successful one. By understanding the regulations and requirements related to shipping a dog, and by taking the necessary steps to prepare your furry friend for transport, you can help ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for both you and your dog.

Remember to always choose a reputable dog shipping company, and to stay in communication with them throughout the transport process. With these tips and guidelines in mind, you can help ensure a safe and happy journey for your furry friend.

Pet Shipping Costs

Shipping a dog can be a stressful and complicated process, and one of the factors that can add to the complexity is the cost. Pet shipping costs can vary depending on a number of factors, including the destination, mode of transport, and the size and breed of your dog. In this article, we'll explore some of the key factors that can impact pet shipping costs, and provide some tips on how to navigate this aspect of the shipping process.

Pet Shipping Costs
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First and foremost, it's important to understand that pet shipping costs can vary widely depending on the destination. Shipping a dog domestically within the United States, for example, is likely to be less expensive than shipping a dog internationally. This is because international shipping requires additional paperwork, permits, and inspections, which can add to the overall cost. Additionally, the cost of shipping a dog internationally can vary depending on the country of destination, as some countries may have more stringent import requirements than others.

Another factor that can impact pet shipping costs is the mode of transport. Shipping a dog by air is generally the most common method, but it can also be the most expensive. This is because airlines typically charge based on the weight and size of the dog, as well as the distance of the flight. Some airlines may also charge additional fees for things like kennel rental or handling charges. Shipping a dog by ground can be a more affordable option, but it may not be feasible for longer distances or for international shipping.

The size and breed of your dog can also impact pet shipping costs. Larger dogs will generally be more expensive to ship than smaller dogs, as they require larger kennels and may exceed weight limits for certain airlines or modes of transport. Additionally, some breeds may be subject to breed-specific regulations or restrictions, which can impact the cost of shipping. For example, some airlines may not allow certain breeds of dogs to fly due to concerns about their health or safety.

When it comes to preparing for pet shipping costs, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it's important to research different shipping options and compare costs. This can involve reaching out to different shipping companies and airlines to get quotes, as well as researching the import requirements for the destination country. It's also a good idea to factor in any additional costs, such as kennel rental or veterinary fees for required health certificates or vaccinations.

Another important consideration is the safety and well-being of your dog during the shipping process. While cost is certainly a factor, it's important not to sacrifice quality or safety in order to save money. This means choosing a reputable shipping company with experience in pet shipping, and ensuring that your dog has a comfortable and secure kennel for the journey. Additionally, it's important to stay in communication with the shipping company throughout the process, and to be prepared to address any issues or concerns that may arise.

In terms of specific costs, it's difficult to provide a one-size-fits-all estimate for pet shipping. However, as a general rule of thumb, domestic shipping within the United States can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, depending on the distance and mode of transport. International shipping can be significantly more expensive, with costs ranging from several thousand dollars to over ten thousand dollars, depending on the destination and mode of transport.

Ultimately, the cost of shipping a dog is just one of many factors to consider when preparing for pet travel. While it can be a significant expense, it's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry friend above all else. By doing your research, comparing costs, and choosing a reputable shipping company, you can help ensure a safe and stress-free journey for your dog, and peace of mind for yourself.

Pet Transportation

Pet Transportation
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Shipping a dog can be a stressful experience for both the pet and the owner. Whether you are relocating, going on vacation, or sending your dog to a new home, it is important to ensure that your furry friend is safe, comfortable, and well-cared for during the transport process. In this article, we will explore some of the key considerations and best practices for shipping a dog, including how to prepare your dog for travel, choosing a transport method, and selecting a reputable pet transportation company.

1. Preparing Your Dog for Travel

Before you begin the process of shipping your dog, it is important to make sure that your pet is healthy and up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations and health checks. Your veterinarian can provide guidance on any specific requirements or precautions that may be necessary based on your dog's breed, age, and health history.

In addition to ensuring that your dog is physically prepared for travel, it is also important to help your pet become acclimated to the travel carrier or crate that will be used during transport. Start by introducing your dog to the carrier or crate well in advance of the travel date, and gradually increase the amount of time that your pet spends inside the carrier. Offer treats and praise to help your dog associate the carrier with positive experiences, and consider using a calming aid or pheromone spray to help reduce anxiety.

2. Choosing a Transport Method

When it comes to shipping a dog, there are several different transport methods to choose from, including air travel, ground transport, and pet shipping services. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best option will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

Air travel is often the fastest and most convenient option for shipping a dog, especially for long distances. However, it can also be the most stressful for pets, as they may be separated from their owners for several hours and subjected to unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. If you choose to transport your dog by air, be sure to select a pet-friendly airline and carefully review their policies and procedures for transporting animals.

Ground transport can be a good option for shorter distances or for dogs that are not comfortable with air travel. This method typically involves a professional pet transport company or a private pet taxi service, and can provide a more personalized and stress-free experience for your dog. However, it may also be more expensive than air travel, and may take longer to reach your destination.

Pet shipping services are another option for shipping a dog, and can provide a range of services and amenities to help ensure your pet's comfort and safety during transport. These services may include climate-controlled vehicles, GPS tracking, and personalized care and attention from experienced pet handlers. However, they can also be expensive and may not be available in all areas.

3. Selecting a Reputable Pet Transportation Company

Regardless of the transport method you choose, it is important to select a reputable and experienced pet transportation company to ensure that your dog receives the best possible care during transport. When evaluating pet transport companies, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • Licensing and Insurance: Make sure that the company is licensed and insured to transport pets, and ask for proof of insurance before booking your pet's transport.
  • Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record of transporting pets safely and comfortably, and ask for references or reviews from previous clients.
  • Safety and Comfort: Ask about the company's policies and procedures for ensuring the safety and comfort of pets during transport, including climate control, rest stops, and access to food and water.
  • Communication: Choose a company that communicates clearly and regularly with pet owners, providing updates on the status of the transport and addressing any concerns or questions that may arise.

In addition to these factors, it is also important to trust your instincts and choose a company that you feel comfortable working with and that you believe will provide the best possible care for your pet.

Shipping a dog can be a stressful and emotional experience, but with careful planning and preparation, you can help ensure that your furry friend is safe, comfortable, and well-cared for during transport. By working with a reputable and experienced pet transportation company, selecting the best transport method for your needs, and helping your dog become acclimated to the travel carrier or crate, you can help make the transport process as stress-free and enjoyable as possible for both you and your pet.

Preparing Dog for Shipping

Preparing Dog for Shipping
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Shipping a dog can be a stressful experience for both the pet and the owner. Whether you are moving to a new city or sending your furry friend to a new home, it is important to ensure that your dog is prepared for the journey ahead. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and advice on how to prepare your dog for shipping and make the process as smooth as possible.

1. Check the Shipping Requirements

Before shipping your dog, it is important to check the shipping requirements of the airline or shipping company. Each company has its own set of rules and regulations, so it is important to familiarize yourself with them. Some airlines require a health certificate signed by a veterinarian, while others may require additional vaccinations or specific types of carriers. Make sure to check the requirements well in advance to avoid any last-minute surprises.

2. Choose the Right Carrier

Choosing the right carrier for your dog is crucial for their safety and comfort during the journey. The carrier should be spacious enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. It should also be well-ventilated and have a secure latch to prevent any escapes. Consider purchasing a carrier that is approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to ensure that it meets all safety standards.

3. Get Your Dog Used to the Carrier

Getting your dog used to the carrier before the journey can help reduce their stress and anxiety during the shipping process. Start by placing the carrier in a familiar and comfortable area of your home and encouraging your dog to explore it. You can also place treats and toys inside the carrier to make it a positive and enjoyable experience. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the carrier, and take them on short car rides to get them used to the motion.

4. Prepare Your Dog for the Journey

Preparing your dog for the journey is essential to ensure their safety and comfort during shipping. Make sure your dog is well-fed and hydrated before the journey, but avoid feeding them a large meal right before shipping. Take your dog for a walk or play with them to help them release any excess energy before the journey. Consider using a calming aid, such as a natural supplement or pheromone spray, to help reduce your dog's anxiety.

5. Label the Carrier

Labeling the carrier with your dog's name, your name, and your contact information is essential in case of any emergencies or mishaps during shipping. Make sure to use a waterproof label and attach it securely to the carrier. You can also include a photo of your dog and any special instructions for the shipping company.

6. Check the Weather

Checking the weather forecast before shipping your dog is important to ensure their safety and comfort. Extreme temperatures can be dangerous for pets, so avoid shipping your dog during hot or cold weather. If you must ship your dog during extreme temperatures, consider using a climate-controlled shipping service to ensure their safety.

7. Say Goodbye

Saying goodbye to your furry friend can be emotional, but it is important to remain calm and positive to help reduce their stress and anxiety. Avoid showing any signs of distress or anxiety, as dogs can sense their owner's emotions. Instead, stay calm and confident, and reassure your dog that they will be okay. Consider leaving a familiar item, such as a blanket or toy, with your dog to help comfort them during the journey.

Preparing your dog for shipping requires careful planning and preparation. By following these tips and advice, you can ensure that your furry friend is safe, comfortable, and stress-free during the shipping process. Remember to check the shipping requirements, choose the right carrier, get your dog used to the carrier, prepare your dog for the journey, label the carrier, check the weather, and say goodbye with confidence. With these steps, you can make shipping your dog a positive and successful experience for both you and your furry friend.

Best Pet Shipping Companies

Best Pet Shipping Companies
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You have several options available to ensure that your beloved pet reaches its new home with you. You can either transport your furry or scaly friend yourself or enlist the services of a professional pet shipper to do it for you. Alternatively, you could opt for a pet transportation company to fly your pet to you for a quicker relocation.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is crucial to carefully consider which method would work best for your pet. To assist you in navigating the multitude of professional pet shipping and moving services available, the This Old House Reviews Team has conducted extensive research on the finest pet shipping companies currently on the market.

1. uShip

uShip is an internet-based platform that links you with shippers who meet the requirements of your job. Carriers bid on your job, and you can select the one that best meets your needs. Each job posting serves as a legally binding estimate for your job, so you will pay the price that you agree to. uShip can be thought of as a combination of eBay and Uber, but for trustworthy and secure pet shipping companies.

uShip is an excellent option for any move that involves specific items or tasks that other moving companies may not handle, such as pet relocation. It provides a mobile app that is easy to use, allowing you to accept bids, create schedules, and track your pet's location through GPS. When you submit a request to transport your pet, it is essential to provide information about its breed, age, and any special requirements it may have.

The availability of uShip's pet shipping services depends on your location and the shippers who can meet your pet's specific needs. uShip's Trust & Safety team carefully reviews each pet shipper on the platform to ensure they meet all necessary guidelines and licenses.

In addition, uShip provides all-risk, full-value cargo insurance, which covers any losses or damages that may happen during transit. The cargo insurance is supported by Lloyd's, a worldwide insurance expert.

While the price of uShip's pet shipping services is determined by the bids you receive, the company's website states that the average cost ranges from $350 to $600 for long-distance moves and $100 to $300 for shorter distances. You can view the cost of previous pet shipping jobs on uShip's "Cost to Ship" index.

uShip's mobile app offers a straightforward and user-friendly experience for pet shipping. With the app, you can access the online platform anytime to check bids, accept them, create or modify schedules, and track your pet's journey. uShip also provides you with control by allowing you to choose from binding-estimate bids.

2. Air Animal Pet Movers

Air Animal Pet Movers has been offering reliable international pet transportation services since 1977. The company was founded by veterinarians and provides top-notch veterinary services. A USDA-accredited veterinarian examines your pet and verifies their microchip to create a global health certificate. Air Animal offers both air and ground transportation for both domestic and international moves.

Air Animal provides a wide range of pet shipping services, including ground and air transportation. Customers can choose between shared or private ground transportation services. To give an example, we estimated the cost of shipping a pet weighing between 25-50 pounds (including a kennel) from the eastern United States to the West Coast using shared ground transportation. The total cost for this service is $2,500.

Air Animals is a reputable company in the pet shipping industry. It has earned an A+ rating accreditation with the Better Business Bureau, which is a testament to its trustworthiness. Additionally, Air Animals has a strong background in veterinary services, which it still offers today. If you are planning to transport your pet over a long distance and are worried about their wellbeing, Air Animals is an excellent choice.

3. Starwood Animal Transport

Starwood Animal Transport is a reliable choice for pet owners who need to transport their pets domestically or internationally. With a successful track record of transporting over 10,000 household pets, the company is a trusted provider of pet shipping services. As a member of the International Pet and Animal Transport Association (IPATA), Starwood collaborates with other businesses to offer comprehensive door-to-door pet shipping services. The company's pet protection plans and 24/7 dispatch teams provide pet owners with peace of mind knowing that their pets are in good hands.

Starwood Animal Transport offers a wide range of pet shipping services, which include both ground and air transportation options. Their pet protection plans ensure extra security for your pet during transportation, and they offer several options such as covering up to $2,500 for veterinary expenses, up to $4,000 for emergency representation, and up to $1,500 for trip interruption expenses.

We received two quotes from Starwood Animal Transport Services for relocating a German shepherd weighing approximately 70 pounds from Atlanta to Los Angeles. Their hub-to-hub service would cost $1,800, which requires you to drop off your pet in Jacksonville, Florida, and pick it up in Los Angeles by yourself. Alternatively, their all-inclusive door-to-door service would cost $3,055.

Starwood Animal Transport provides affordable prices for those who can and are willing to travel to one of its travel hubs. Its pet protection plans provide extra assurance in case any obstacles arise during your relocation.

4. Airpets International

For over 30 years, Airpets International has been transporting pets. The company is supported by the USDA and guarantees that your pets will be on a flight that is suitable for pets and has temperature control. Airpets International also offers additional services, including grooming, exercise, and customized crating and kennels.

Airpets International provides a range of pet shipping services to ensure maximum comfort for your beloved furry companion. Among their services is the exceptional pet lodging service, which features roomy, temperature-controlled overnight accommodations. This enables you to have control over when your pet arrives at their new home while ensuring that they stay comfortable throughout the journey.

To ensure precise pricing, Airpets International schedules a consultation with you and your pet to determine the necessary relocation services. The company specifies that the cost to move a small animal within any of the 48 continental states begins at $900, while international moves with small animals start at $2,000.

Airpets International offers various service options that are tailored to meet the specific needs of your animal. The company's consultation process assists you in comprehending the services that your pet may require. Additionally, Airpets International simplifies the legal and customs paperwork through its affiliation with the USDA accredited International Boarding & Pet Services Association.

5. Blue Collar Pet Transport

Blue Collar Pet Transport (BCPT) is a pet shipper that is supported by the USDA. The company offers GPS tracking and aid with bonds and insurance coverage, as well as assistance with USDA registration. Although Blue Collar Pet Transport mainly focuses on long-distance pet transportation, it also offers local pet moves in central Florida.

BCPT provides an extensive range of pet shipping services for long-distance and international pet moves. Some of its notable services include a luxury private jet pet shipping service and a mobile app that is easy to use.

BCPT designs personalized pet shipping packages after conducting a comprehensive consultation process. Therefore, it doesn't provide much pricing information online. However, it does disclose that its in-cabin air transport costs between $1,600 to $2,500 in the 48 contiguous states.

Additionally, it is mentioned that flights to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and other international destinations usually range between $2,500 to $7,500. The final cost may also be subject to extra charges based on the airline utilized.

Blue Collar Pet Transport offers personalized pet shipping packages with reliable services. The company provides information on all of its skilled handlers, ensuring that your pet is in capable hands. BCPT's private jet pet service is perfect if you want your pet to be transported in style and comfort.

6. Happy Tails Travel, Inc.

Happy Tails Travel provides ground transportation services for cats and dogs within the country, and offers discounts for shipping multiple pets. Additionally, it serves as a worldwide logistics network that ships to most countries across the globe, facilitating the customs clearance process.

Happy Tails Travel offers an extensive range of services for cats and dogs, catering to both domestic and international moves. The company collaborates with shelters and veterinarians to provide adoption services, which include the provision of kennels, pre-flight conditioning, and other air and ground transportation requirements.

On its website, Happy Tails Travel shares pricing details, outlining the factors that impact the overall cost. The company mentions that the standard ground transportation rate for a single pet is approximately $300. Additionally, it specifies that its private ground transportation service for one pet, for a move exceeding 500 miles, ranges between $950 to $4,500.

If you are planning to transport several pets or adopt an animal, Happy Tails Travel is an excellent choice. The company offers numerous discounts for shipping multiple pets, collaborating with rescue shelters, and supporting military families. Additionally, Happy Tails Travel provides ample information through its website's resources and GPS tracking.

7. Royal Paws

Royal Paws specializes in providing private, ground transportation services for cats and dogs throughout the United States. Their shipments are door-to-door and equipped with climate control to ensure the comfort of the pets. Each transport is managed by a team of two people, allowing pets to be walked every four hours. Although the company mainly deals with cats and dogs, they have also successfully transported other pets such as birds, ducks, turtles, and miniature cows.

Royal Paws exclusively offers private ground transportation services for individual pets belonging to a single family. This ensures that your pet(s) will not have to share their travel space with other animals. The transportation is conducted in spacious, climate-controlled SUVs or minivans that are regularly cleaned to maintain a hygienic environment.

Royal Paws provides personalized services that are tailored to the specific needs of each pet and their owner. They conduct a consultation with the pet owner and their pet to understand their requirements and preferences. Therefore, the company does not provide any pricing information online as the cost of their services is determined based on the consultation.

Royal Paws provides top-notch ground transportation services for pets. Their services are not limited to adoption, purchase, or bulk shipment. Instead, they offer high-quality SUVs and minivans for the safe and comfortable transportation of pets. The company is certified by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the USDA, ensuring that all pets are transported in compliance with regulations and standards.

How to Pick a Pet Shipping Company

How to Pick a Pet Shipping Company
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Shipping a pet is a one-of-a-kind experience. Every pet shipping company offers something distinct for both you and your pets. It is crucial to take the necessary time to ensure that your cherished animal is entrusted to reliable hands. We have outlined some of the most significant factors to contemplate when selecting a pet shipping company below.

1. Consider Your Pet’s Needs

The safety and well-being of your pet should be your top priority. Responding to these questions will assist you in identifying which pet shippers are suitable for fulfilling your pet's requirements.

  • Can your pet travel in a shared space with other animals or does it require private transportation?
  • Does your pet need updated health certificates?
  • How many breaks might it need?
  • Is it better suited for ground transportation or air transportation?

2. Check for USDA Approval

The USDA serves as the regulatory body for pet shipping firms, granting them licenses to operate. It is expected that most companies would showcase their approval and endorsement from the USDA on their website. Failure to do so could be a warning sign for potential customers.

3. Speak to a Representative

Engaging in direct communication with a pet shipping company is a reliable method to gauge their suitability. Consider factors such as their response time and professionalism during your interactions. During the quotation process, take note of how the company is gathering information about your pet to ensure its safe handling. If the company appears unconcerned about obtaining accurate details from you, this could be a warning sign.

4. Read Customer Reviews

An alternative method to gain a practical understanding of the experience of using a particular pet shipping company is to review customer testimonials about the company on popular review platforms such as BBB and Yelp. It is important to pay attention to how previous customers discuss the company's customer service and whether the company delivers on the commitments made during the quoting and consultation process.

Tips and Advice

Here are some additional tips and advice to help ensure a safe and stress-free journey for your dog:

  1. Choose a reputable pet shipping company with experience in transporting animals.
  2.  Book your dog's travel well in advance to ensure availability and to avoid last-minute stress.
  3. Communicate with the airline or shipping company to ensure you understand all requirements and procedures.
  4. Stay calm and positive when saying goodbye to your dog, as they can pick up on your emotions.
  5. Follow up with the airline or shipping company after your dog's arrival to ensure they have been safely delivered.

Final Words

Shipping a dog can be a complex process, but with proper preparation and research, you can ensure a safe and stress-free journey for your furry friend. From regulations and costs to transportation and preparation, there are many factors to consider when shipping a dog. By following the tips and advice outlined in this article, you can help ensure a successful shipping experience for both you and your dog.

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